Monday, 17 August 2015

Carrara vs. Calacatta Marble: What is the Difference?

Carrara or Calacatta? People often mix up these two marbles.
These terms are used interchangeably because both of these Italian marbles are very similar in appearance: white with gray veining. To add to the confusion, much of Calacatta comes from Carrara, Italy. In general, Carrara tends to be grayer with softer veining, while Calacatta is whiter with bolder more dramatic veining. There are additional subtle differences and once you know what to look for, you should be able to distinguish between Carrara and Calacatta.
Calacatta: The patterning on this one is predominately larger and thick.Carrara: Here, tile is used to frame a traditional fireplace. Carrara veining tends to be linear.

Calacatta: A slab with dramatic gray veining makes a stunning fireplace surround. Calacatta is rarer than Carrara and is considered a luxury stone.Carrara: On this waterfall island countertop, the gray veining is small and fine.Calacatta: A vanity counter and large floor tiles make this master bath light and airy.Carrara: Although this marble has some large and dramatic veining like Calacatta, it is grayer and also has many fine feathery lines.Carrara: The backsplash has an overall gray tone and provides the color in this white kitchen.Calacatta: Here you see the characteristic large patterning in a slab backsplash.Carrara: Within Carrara and Calacatta marbles, there is a lot of variability. Here is a very white Carrara.Carrara: These floor tiles reveal a range of tones.Calacatta: Some have really dark patterning. The heavy veining contrasts dramatically with the crisp white background in these floor tiles and shower slab.Calacatta Gold: This is a variation of Calacatta with gold mixed in. It works well with both cool and warm tones. There are many types of Calacatta.Carrara: More readily available, Carrara marble is a beautiful and classic choice for bathrooms.
Now that you know the difference, which one do you prefer?

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